Astrallis Primary Directions Astrology Software 8.3.0 Crack License Key (Final 2022) Astrallis Primary Directions Astrology Software 8.3.0 Crack + With Product Key PC/Windows 1. Stargazing - in vivo astronomy - high-quality images of the Sun, Moon, planets, constellations and deep sky objects. 2. Discover the Sun and Moon at night: sunrises, sunsets, lighting and weather effects, locations and magnitudes. 3. Best place to enjoy the Moon: Moon magnitude, phases, lunar planes and polar lights. 4. Discover the constellation of the Month: constellations, best time for stargazing, and more. 5. The calculator of the Moon and planets: position, size and phases of the Moon and planets. 6. Night Sky Chart Viewer: easily view the sky and discover bright and famous stars, nebulae and galaxies. 7. Sky Places & Sky Paths: see a 3D sky map with locations of nebulae, stars, constellations and planets and their paths. 8. Map of the Earth: see the map of the Earth with the horizon, continents, islands, elevation, shape, and famous cities and capitals. 9. See the sky at any time and on any date: star charts, sky map and tables and get astronomical reports, predictions and data in a variety of formats. 10. Star Catalog: browse the sky and find thousands of stars and constellations. 11. Explore the Universe: discover deep sky objects, report their magnitudes and make your own constellations. 12. Live star data: continuously and automatically update the current data on stars, constellations and planets. 13. The calculator of the planets: calculate the direction of the Moon, planets, constellations, stars and galaxies, based on the location of the sun and the date of birth. 14. The calculator of astrology: calculate all the angles and progressions in a single screen: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and major stars. 15. Calculate the sign of the Zodiac: locate all the fixed points and their location in the sky, based on the date of birth and the location. 16. Reports: generate reports based on the sky maps or tables for each date and location. The reports can be printed or exported. 17. The photo collage: create a beautiful collage with the help of photos of the sky. 18. The calculator of astrology: calculate all the angles and progressions in a single screen: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and major stars. 19. Solar returns: find the sun's place and the date of its return. 20. Discovery of the zodiac: calculate the zodiacal house and discover the card with the greatest influence on the individual. 21. Conjunctions of the Sun: find the zodiacal house and determine the directions and transits of 1a423ce670 Astrallis Primary Directions Astrology Software 8.3.0 [Latest] 2022 What's New In? System Requirements For Astrallis Primary Directions Astrology Software: Windows: Mac OS X: Minimum: Median: 1250 x 1600 1280 x 1024 1366 x 768 1600 x 1200
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